Aug 26, 2020

Star Beauty Secrets

Actress Caroline Ivari tells us about her new personal project and shares with us her beauty secrets.

LA-based actress Caroline Ivari hasn't been wasting time while in quarantine, working on a new script on her downtime. "I’ve had this idea for many years, and I was so scared to tackle this specific project, but I finally took a leap. It’s a two part love story. I’m hoping to be done with both of them by the end of this year," she shares.

"I’ve had this script in mind for about 7 years now. I think art can be vulnerable. There’s a lot I want to say but I wanted it to be very honest, and that’s hard. I think ideas are easy, but true and raw honesty is very difficult. It’s a love story, but it tackles depression, abuse, survival. I want to make sure I capture the complexity of all that. When you think depression, you think [someone wearing a] hoodie, dark clothes, eyeliner, slightly arched, and morose. That’s not always true! They can be funny, colourful, seem confident, ambitious. There’s definitely darkness in this story, but there’s a lot humour. I hope I can do this story true justice."

Caroline has also been focusing on her health while in lockdown, explaining "I try to do a quick yoga class before bed so I can sleep better." The natural beauty even shared with us her beauty routine, giving us her sercret recipe for her homemade face scrub. "I mix honey, sugar, a little bit of vinegar, lemon juice, coconut oil, a pinch of salt, and a pinch of baking soda to make my own scrub. After I use the scrub I use a little vitamin E oil on my face, and Kiehl’s Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado. One of my favourite products is also WholyMe’s body balm. I usually put that on before bed."

While waiting to discover Caroline's new project you can watch her star in In Echo Park, an action drama that depicts class and identity in Los Angeles.