Jan 27, 2023

Galerie Roger-Viollet Exhibits the Women of the 20th Century

A new photo exhibition in Paris showcases the women of the 20th century through beautiful imagery.

The women of the twentieth century are being put under the spotlight at Galerie Roger-Viollet in Paris from the 26th of January to the 25th of March. The photo exhibition, Une histoire photographique des femmes au XXe siècle (A Photographic Story of the Women of the 20th Century), showcases the women who gained freedom from the men in their lives and were no longer defined by their fathers, their husbands, they fought for their legal rights and lived lives that paved the way for us. Through 60 images you can walk through the history of the women who changed the world, who stood up for what they believed in and basked in the joys of life. A wonderful exhibition that invites you to peek back into history and the women who shaped it through defiance and style with images of street protests exhibited alongside shots of beach days spent with friends.