Oct 22, 2020

Art Reflections

Walk through a maze of 219 spheres that echo life, perfection and purity.

A symbol of perfection and purity, the sphere is the heart of the 219 Spheres art installation by French artist Cyril Lancelin. Collaborating with Swiss skincare brand La Prairie, the artist, who likes to work with a repetition of forms, created the vertical form of the spheres to evoke an emergence of life, reflecting La Prairie's work of regenerating skin, with the spheres representing its iconic ingredient, caviar. The 219 Spheres embody perfection with the roundness of each pearl balancing perfectly on top of another, while the glistening gold reflects back the idea of endlessness, a notion of continuity. The 219 Spheres installation will be revealed to the public on the 24th of October at Village Royal in Paris where it will remain exhibited until the 4th of November.