Nov 2, 2021

A Bespoke Spa Day

Paris's new beauty centre promises bespoke treatments that will leave you with brighter and younger-looking skin.

Paris's new cosmetic clinic, Cible Skin, is your rendezvous for great skin. Bespoke treatments are what set this beauty centre apart from any other address in the French capital, with each client receiving an intense diagnosis of their skin and their needs. The thorough analysis of the skin delves deep to reveal any dehydration, sun damage or loss of elasticity, with everything measured to a decimal point using state-of-the-art equipemnt. Once the diagnosis is complete and the concerns revealed, a personalised treatment is prescribed, which could include a treatment of spots, an intense hydrating treatment or a deep cleanse. The Glow Care, the clinic's deep cleanse treatment, works to eliminate dead skin, reduce pores and inject the face with moisture to leave it glowing. Starting with an exfoliation treatment, the Glow Care works to smooth the skin by exfoliating away the dead skin before an intensive moisturising mask is applied. The result? Smooth skin that feels soft and plumper, and the highlight of the treatment, besides being left with glowing new skin, is the face, neck and shoulder massage you are treated to while the mask is left to work its beauty magic. The only thing that would make this experience complete is a little bit of music in the treatment room to add an extra sprinkle of relaxation while your skin is being treated.